Cesar Chavez - "Si, Se Puede" ("Yes, it can be done")

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Cesar Chavez – “Si, Se Puede” (“Yes, it can be done”)

This top-seller Level T Fifth Grade reader is a great way for your students to learn more about the life of Cesar Chavez, a champion for the rights of migrant farm workers.

The resource includes objectives to be taught as well as the sight words needed for successfully reading the information about Cesar Chavez. The sight words (vocabulary) are listed in a table on the first page so students can preview the words to ensure understanding.  

The passage is three pages long followed by multiple practice pages to include a word search for students to find some of the vocabulary words, several multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions for students to respond with their own words. Through the completion of these activities, students will be engaging in reading, language development, spelling, and writing while reviewing key ELA and Social Studies concepts. Many ELA Common Core Standards are aligned with this text.

Additionally, this resource comes with an Answer Key for the teacher to easily review their students' work and plan subsequent lessons.

This Cesar Chavez – “Si, Se Puede” (“Yes, it can be done”) resource can be used with a variety of students besides 5th grade readers, including:

·      Younger students who are advanced readers

·      Special Ed students

·      ELLs with different reading levels

·      Homeschooling students

The text, Teacher's Guide, and Student Activities complete this 8-page resource.

Resource Tags

English Language Arts Informational Text Worksheets biography Cesar Chavez reading comprehension writing si se puede quote cesar chavez si se puede si se puede cesar chavez

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