Chemical Symbols, Formulas & Compounds - Lesson Bundle

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Grade 10, 11, 12

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About This Product

Chemical Symbols, Formulas & Compounds - Lesson Bundle

A comprehensive teaching resource designed for educators teaching Science and Chemistry, specifically targeting students from Grade 10 to 12. This meticulously designed product excels with its adaptability in both traditional classroom settings and remote/distance learning environments.

This two-day instructional bundle incorporates diverse digital tools such as:

  • Google Slides,
  • PowerPoint presentations,
  • Word Documents,
  • and Google Docs.

The course content aids student understanding of chemical symbols, formulas and compounds through engaging instruction methods. Methods incorporated into the lesson include:

  • An auto-graded exit ticket for assessing student understanding post-lesson,
  • An informative handout included for student reference throughout the lesson.
Main topics covered:
  • Symbols identification;
  • Naming elements;
  • Understanding atom counting;
  • Navigating combining capacity;
  • Applying the criss-cross rule;
  • Identifying compound names using periodic charts,
  • And other robust chemistry-centric subjects.
To enhance its accessibility across multiple teaching scenarios:

The Chemical Symbols Formulas & Compounds - Lesson Bundle can be accessed anywhere with any device irrespective of platform. This functionality addresses IT pressure if your institution exclusively uses Google tools, while also increasing accessibility options supporting educational wellness in new-age challenges due to remote learning constraints.

To further heighten flexibility in a digital space, this resource can be easily incorporated into platforms like Google Classroom. This allows for one-click placement of the complete resource into your digital repository, enabling direct assignment to students. Lastly, this practical educational package aids educators with supportive and versatile tools that enrich teaching efficiency and student outcomes in chemistry.

What's Included

1 zip file with:

-3 Word docs

-2 PowerPoints

-1 PDF

Included in the lesson package is:

- Office and Google versions of the lesson

- The teacher version of the presentation

- The student version of the presentation

- Auto-graded Exit Ticket

- Student worksheet

- Student lesson handout

In order, the lesson covers:

1) Symbols

2) Element names

3) Counting Atoms

4) Naming compounds

5) Combining capacity

6) Criss-cross rule

7) Naming compounds

8) Periods

Resource Tags

Chemical symbols formulas compounds teaching resource chemistry

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