Climate Change: Reduction: Lowering Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gr. 5-8

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Climate Change: Reduction: Lowering Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gr. 5-8

This comprehensive teaching aid is designed to promote environmental responsibility by educating teachers and students about the problems our earth faces due to human consumption, emphasizing reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ideal for grades 5 through 8, suited precisely for environmental science modules.

Two Sides of Climate Change

This module gives learners a balanced view of climate change - exploring both advocate and skeptic perspectives. It commences with envisioning Earth's potential future temperature rise.

  • Create Dream Car : Using alternative fuel options, students are motivated to engage creatively by designing their dream car.
  • Transportation Choices: Students investigate various transportation alternatives in their local areas to create an informative pamphlet.

Understanding Product Life Cycles & Planning for Green City Initiative

Emphasizing product life cycles contributes towards controlling emissions. This section challenges students with planning initiatives focussed on clean energy usage.

The Role of Green Buildings & Overview Of Global Efforts Towards Carbon Dioxide-Free Communities

This segment aids learners in understanding how green buildings operate while discussing components integral to sustainable structures. It also highlights efforts from different countries aimed at creating carbon dioxide-free communities.

Main Takeaways : On completing this module, learners will understand personalised ways of lowering individual greenhouse gas emissions. Crafted adhering to Bloom's Taxonomy and STEAM initiatives , it includes hands-on activities alongside game-based learning components such as crosswords and word searches enhancing cognitive capabilities among young learners . Also included is a comprehension quiz followed by an answer key fostering knowledge checks between educators & students during review sessions . For convenient access across both public school settings or homeschooling scenarios, this product is available in a single easy-to-distribute PDF file.

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