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Countries of the World: Wales Interactive Foldable Booklets - EBOOK

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Countries of the World: Wales Interactive Foldable Booklets – EBOOK

A comprehensive teaching resource designed to provide an engaging exploration into the intrinsic aspects of Welsh culture, geography, economy, and government. This downloadable eBook offers convenience and adaptability, serving as a dynamic tool for educators pursuing various teaching methodologies.


This interactive eBook comprises 27 pages in PDF format which is tailor-made for grades 2-12 social studies curriculum that can be customized according to each student's learning pace and level. The content unfolds into four distinct sections:

  • Geography:The first foldable acquaints learners with intricate details of Welsh geography; painting vivid visuals about the nation’s landscapes that birthed their unique culture and lifestyle.
  • Economics:The subsequent foldable elucidates economic facts about Wales; presenting learners with an understanding of how economics imbues daily life on both individual and society levels.
  • Governance:An in-depth examination on how governance works within Wales; introducing concepts around civic participation while reinforcing democratic values engrained in our society.
  • Culture: An all-encompassing booklet immerses students in Welsh traditions-rich cultural facets.
    • Potential Applications:

      This interactive resource enables educators to fashion versatile instruction plans based on their pupils' needs such as augmenting whole group lessons with practical examples or intensifying small group discussions through investigative activities. It could also function independently as homework assignments urging self-paced learning outside traditional classrooms settings. Naturally integrates across multiple subjects beyond just social studies - propelling multi-faceted learning experiences.

      Note: Particularly suitable for homeschooling!


      Crafted by experienced educators who appreciate diverse learning styles and pedagogical preferences. Part of the Countries of The World series, this eBook will surely elevate both your teaching experiences and your learners' wisdom about the world. Do not miss the journey into Wales through an engaging academic lens!

      Instructions: Simply follow, cut, fold, glue and create to empower your students’ learning journey towards becoming global citizens today with this unique interactive eBook.

What's Included

27 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

interactive foldable booklets Welsh culture geography economics

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