Crash Course Sociology | 35 Racial/Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination

An educational teaching resource from Ed Dynamic entitled Crash Course Sociology | 35 Racial/Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

Our high school students have the capability to enjoy and really understand topics like sociology because it provides them with real-life connections and real-world issues. The relatability that the study of society has to offer can be great for our students.  Being able to provide them with meaningful resources is the best way to keep them engaged and keep growing this interest. Within my store, you will find a plethora of sociology resources to utilize with your students. 

What You Get:

This is the Racial/Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination Worksheet for the Crash Course Sociology Episodes.

This is a 2-page worksheet that has 15 questions for students to answer. The link to the Crash Course video can be found at the top of the worksheet. If students are completing this worksheet digitally, they will be able to quickly click on the link for themselves and be redirected to YouTube.

An answer key is included in a separate Word document. If you print off the answer key, students can check their answers by themselves.

The Racial/Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination Video is 11 minutes long.

How To Implement This Resource: 

You should print off enough copies of the worksheet for each student to have, so they can answer some of the questions as they listen to the video. You can listen to this video as a whole group and then allow students to listen to it again by themselves or in small groups, if your classroom has enough devices to do so.

Being able to watch these engaging Crash Course videos more than once will help students make connections and close gaps for their understanding of government and politics.

I hope you enjoy!

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My Storefront Can Be Found Here: Active Social Studies

Resource Tags

Crash Course Video Crash Course Sociology Sociology Video Racial Prejudice Discrimination Ethnic Prejudice Ethnicities Vocabulary

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