CVC Decodable Printable Leveled Reading Book

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CVC Decodable Printable Leveled Reading Book This five-book series contains CVC word decodable phonic reading books that build reading skills through a gradual introduction of sight words and repetitive vocabulary. As each 16-page book builds on the previous one, students gain fluency and confidence. Use these books with beginning readers just starting phonics instruction or struggling older readers needing reading intervention. With large print, humor, and engaging stories, these books align with Reading Made Simple's free reading curriculum popular with parents and homeschoolers. Students read silly stories featuring familiar characters while coloring fluency charts to track their progress. Containing no tricky phrasing that could frustrate young readers, these books instill confidence. Teachers, parents, tutors, and home educators can use these downloadable PDF books to supplement phonics lessons. All materials included; no extras needed.

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CVC decodable readers cvc phonic reading books free free cvc reading books free decodable reading books reading intervention CVC words reading intervention reading catchup

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