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Desert Biome Activity

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Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5





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In this activity, students think of animals that live in the desert. I have provided examples to help guide the students in the right direction.  For the first page, where students name animals in the desert, you could complete that whole group.  Make sure to have some handy to write down yourself if students are struggling to think of some.   Students will then pick one animal that can survive in the desert and write down its adaptations. If you have some struggling students, you could guide them in a small group where they all have the same animal and adaptations listed.  If you want them to use technology, now is a good time to have them look up adaptations for their chosen animal.  You could also have them get together for a few minutes with other students who chose the same animal and have them discuss the adaptations together.  Students also need to come up with information on the environment in the desert.

Students will draw their animal in the desert.  Tell them to make the animal the focus, so it should be drawn big. There are a couple of pages provided.  This project can be done altogether in one sitting, or you could do the writing pages one day, and then have students do the drawing another day. 

What's Included

You will get six pages. Two pages are notes to the teacher, and the other 4 are student pages.

I provide some examples.

Resource Tags

desert activity biomes habitats desert animals biome activity biome worksheets biome projects for middle school

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