Digital Math for 4th Grade MD Standards - (BUNDLE of Slides + Self-Grading Quiz)

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About This Product

Digital Math for 4th Grade MD Standards - (BUNDLE of Slides + Self-Grading Quiz)

This comprehensive teaching resource aligns with4.MD.1 - 4.MD.7 standards. It's designed to facilitate interactive math experiences focused on measurements.

Interactive Learning Experiences

This bundle comprises digital elements such as interactive slides that enable review, practice, and enrichment of mathematical concepts via activities like dragging and dropping images or visually sorting them.

Digital Efficiency

The entirely digital nature eliminates physical paperwork, providing you with ready-to-use materials for your virtual classroom.

  • Interactive Slides:The bundle includes slides available in both PowerPoint and Google Slids formats tailored to each specific standard being taught.
  • Self-grading Quizzes:Incorporates a handy self-grading Google Forms quiz per standard, allowing quick understanding gauge without having to manually score each response individually.

Versatility in Usage

This product offers flexibility regarding its use; it can be utilized as a standalone distance learning assignment—as well as incorporated into small group instruction or utilized as an activity within a center during normal classroom activities.

Ease of Use: Google Workspace Compatible b

The product's compatibility with Google Workspace allows straightforward assignment through Google Classroom. Included instructions guide educators about how they can assign either whole files or select individual slides at any particular time along with corresponding quizzes through their preferred platform.

In Conclusion:

The Digital Math for 4th Grade MD Standards serves many purposes simultaneously – reinforcing measurements education in mathematics while promoting student engagement through hands-on digital tasks – a staple in today's technologically advanced classrooms. It is, without a doubt, an indispensable teaching resource for educators and homeschoolers.

What's Included

Included in this Resource for each standard:

Both PowerPoint and Google Slides

Slide decks

A corresponding, self-grading quiz on Google Forms

This resource can be used as a distance learning assignment, in small group instruction, or as a center.

Resource Tags

interactive slides self-grading quiz measurements education digital math distance learning

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