Dollar Street Extension Activities-Fully Editable!
About This Product
These are two social studies, world cultures, separate advisory or homeroom lessons to help students understand the world better. They could be two separate lessons or one long one. The pictures shown are from the videos. In the "If The World Were 100 People" lesson, the engaging video link describes the world's population filtering for income, technology, language, etc. In the editable handout, teachers can tailor the analysis to their city and school. Students will answer questions about the video as well as analyze their own city and school communities. In the Dollar Street lesson, there is a video link to view the explanation of the Dollar Street tool-which examines families in 50 countries. The tool displays the homes as if they all lived on the same street where the richest live on the right and the poorest live on the left and everyone else in between. It is an amazing tool. For both lessons, teachers need internet access, a way to show the videos, and the ability to print off both handouts. Both handouts are FULLY editable to tailor to your school and city communities.
What's Included
Great links and website information, 2 Microsoft Word fully editable handouts.