Elf on the Music Classroom Shelf
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About This Product
This resource is a 4-week holiday tradition for your music classroom.
Students will absolutely love this elf on the music classroom shelf during the holiday season. This resource is jam-packed with everything you need to successfully implement elf on the shelf in your music classroom.
You'll receive a set of instructions for music teachers including props needed, explanations for students, hiding spots and more.
After the instruction page, this activity resource will take you week-by-week on how to maneuver your elf on the shelf in your music classroom. Students are sure to enjoy this treat.
What's Included
1 PowerPoint with 34 slides
Resource Tags
elf on the shelf
music classroom
holiday traditions
music activity
Christmas music
elf ideas for the classroom
easy elf on the shelf ideas for classroom
teacher elf on the shelf
classroom elf ideas
classroom elf on the shelf ideas
elf in the classroom
classroom elf on the shelf
musical shelf
elf on the shelf ideas for the classroom
elf in classroom
elf on the shelf teacher ideas
classroom elf
elf on the shelf in classroom
elf classroom
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