Emotions I.D | Differentiated SEL Activities

An educational teaching resource from Socially Skilled Kids entitled Emotions I.D | Differentiated SEL Activities downloadable at Teach Simple.
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Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5





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About This Product

Do you have students who struggle to understand, manage and or control their emotions? Being able to identify one's own EMOTIONS is the first step in EMOTIONAL REGULATION. Identifying emotions helps one to understand and control their behavior. Some children need explicit teaching to successfully learn how to do this.

These 4 activities are great for children who need to practice identifying their emotions. They will do so by labeling them; increasing and expanding their emotional vocabulary, identifying the various FACIAL EXPRESSIONS/BODY LANGUAGE associated with many different emotions, and by thinking about scenarios that may make them feel various emotions.

These activities can be used with an individual student or in small groups for a great interactive experience. In small groups, children benefit from seeing and hearing about how other children may feel in various situations.

What's Included

Included Please Find: 62 Pages

Activity 1:

15 Emotions: Face Shot, To Label What It Looks Like, Feels Like and Sounds Like

15 Emotions: With Face And Body To Show Body Language, To Label What It Looks Like, Feels Like and Sounds Like

1 Emotions EDITABLE Page To Add Your Own Emotion Labels and Pictures

Activity 2:

20 Scenario Cards: How Would YOU Feel?

EDITABLE Scenario Cards

Activity 3:

20 Scenario Cards: How Might THEY Feel?

EDITABLE Scenario Cards

Activity 4:

Draw Your Emotions / What Makes You Feel That Way (10 blank faces to choose from)

Editable Version of all 10 Face Templates {Great to use for distance learning}

Activity 5:

Emotions Puzzles: 20 Puzzles/Labels

1 Editable Set {Great for distance learning or to have students draw in the emotions to match the labels}

Resource Tags

Emotions SEL Feelings Emotional Regulation Social Skills sel kindergarten activities identifying emotions activity thanksgiving sel activities sel thanksgiving activities

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