Field Day Event Cards: Gym Events

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Field Day Event Cards: Gym Events

An exceptionally effective teaching resource, Field Day Event Cards: Gym Events is designed with the busy educator or homeschooler in mind. This resource includes a comprehensive set of 30 visually appealing and informative event cards about gym activities that can easily and efficaciously be implemented during large group Field Day events.

Product Features:
  • Detailed instructions along with engaging graphics illustrating each individual event - not grade-specific making it adaptable for various age groups
  • A great utility for subjects related to Physical Education & Health)
  • Minimizes the need for extensive verbal explanations from leaders, teachers, or volunteers on Field Days, enabling efficiency
  • Diverse implementation opportunities - excellent for facilitating large scale field day activities as well as instructional aids during physical education classes
Package Inclusions:
  • A PDF featuring 30 ready-to-print pages
  • Access to 30 printable JPG files giving you versatility based on your needs

In essence, Field Day Event Cards: Gym Events is a careful blend of functionality and simplicity. It serves as an effortless source of instruction tailored to meet the needs of modern educators ranging from public school teachers to homeschooling parents who aim at achieving quality education in an efficient manner.

What's Included

1 PDF with 30 ready to print pages

30 printable JPG files

Resource Tags

event cards gym activities field day physical education teaching resource

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