French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Imperfect Tense

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Grade 6, 7, 8, 9



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The French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Imperfect Tense

This teaching resource is perfect for both classroom settings and homeschooling. Catering to students from Grade 6 to Grade 9, it focuses on World Languages, with a special interest in French. It adds an element of fun into sentence construction by allowing players to review the verb 'aller' in the present tense.

How The Game Works?

  • The game board has the verb 'aller' at its base with subject pronouns laid out on one side.
  • To win, students must connect four boxes in a row by filling them up with appropriate forms of 'aller'.
  • If there are any inconsistencies during periodic checks (verified through included answer keys), the game continues.

This method encourages rigorous practise via friendly competition and also helps fortify language learning.

Included In This Package:

  1. A clear and user-friendly game board PDF: Ready-to-print design that is visually appealing.
  2. A detailed instructions PDF: Clarified gameplay methods and strategies plus an answer key for consistent assessments throughout multiple rounds.

    1. The French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Imperfect Tense unifies education with fun. Highly interactive, this resource assures efficient comprehension of French language concepts—ideal whether you need a full-class activity or pair-and-share games amidst learners striving towards ACLFL title confidence!

What's Included

2 PDFs with ready to print pages

Resource Tags

French Connect 4 Aller Imperfect Tense Language Learning

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