French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Worksheets - COD et COI
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French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Worksheets - COD et COI
Rewrite the 10 sentences replacing underlined direct and indirect objects with a pronoun. Exercises focus on: le - la - les - lui - leur
There are 3 versions of this exercise included as well as a quiz. The sentences are the same on each version, only the tense changes:
Present tense, including some negation
Passé composé, including some negation
Futur proche - including some negation
QUIZ: The same exercise using all three tenses
Answer keys are included.
What's Included
4 PDFs
Resource Tags
French worksheets
direct objects
indirect objects
pronouns worksheets
French pronouns
direct and indirect objects exercises
direct and indirect object worksheets with answer key
direct and indirect objects worksheets
french pronouns direct and indirect
coi french
direct object worksheets
french cod
french coi
pronoun french
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