French New Year's Day Taboo Game - Nouvel An Français

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About This Product

The French New Year's Day Taboo Game - Nouvel An Français

This is an innovative teaching resource designed for educators to offer fun, immersive language learning experience for students. The game enhances the understanding of French in an interactive way and is suitable for diverse educational contexts, from grade 6 to grade 12.


The game stands out due to its versatility. It can be easily included during whole group lessons, enhancing collaborative learning or used in smaller groups to focus on individual learner differences. With minor modifications, it can also be employed as a homework assignment ensuring continuous learning outside classroom settings.

How the Game Works?

  1. A team member tries to make others guess the word at the top of a card without using any 'taboo' words listed beneath it.
  2. Scores are given for every correctly guessed word which fuels engagement and builds up friendly competition within classes.
  3. In the end, the team with most points wins!

This format assists beginners by allowing them use of printed taboo words driving explorations into new vocabulary while constructing descriptive sentences; thus improving both their vocabulary and sentence-formation skills within an atmosphere of merriment!

The Resource Packet Includes:

  • Durable playing cards in both French and English languages with options either colored print or grayscale.
  • Suitable files equivalent for single card projections are made available too!
  • Learners' recording sheets aiding in documentation of new vocabulary acquisition progress is absolutely handy.


All these resources come in multiple file types, making them compatible with varied digital platforms ensuring maximum accessibility.

In Conclusion...

What's Included

1 zip file with PDF and .jpg

Resource Tags

French language New Year's Day Taboo game Vocabulary acquisition Cultural knowledge

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