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French Story in the Present Tense - La Routine Quotidienne - Distance Learning

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

French Story in the Present Tense - La Routine Quotidienne - Distance Learning

This is an engaging teaching resource designed as a narrative of Vanessa's everyday routine, narrated exclusively in the present tense. Encapsulated in both MP3 and PDF formats, it encourages learning at students' own pace for distance education.

Suitable for high school grades (9th through 12th), this resource immerses students into authentic French language structures. It explores an array of verb types from regular to irregular and reflexive verbs, each used along with various forms of negation to enhance comprehension.

Tailored Teaching Scenarios:

  • Whole group lessons- Promotes collective learning.
  • Smaller groups-Fosters active engagement and focused discussions.
  • Homework assignments-Promotes self-study amongst students.

This tool focuses predominantly on strengthening reading skills through written activities provided in PDF files. Corresponding MP3 files emphasize verbal pronunciation accuracy, thus improving student listening capability. This coupling of content makes concepts identifiable thus aiding recall.


  1. Serve as an insightful knowledge base for freshmen or sophomores inclined towards World Languages subject.
  2. Cater also to juniors & seniors specializing under 'French' sub-subject.

The heart of this toolkit is its innovative approach that merges traditional text-based content with modern technology-based resources adapting accordingly amid our rapidly advancing global digital educational platform making 'distance education' approachable and ensuring widespread access right at your fingertips!

What's Included

1 zip file with MP3 and PDF

Resource Tags

French language Present tense Daily routine Distance learning Verb types

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