Gardner Activity Booklet

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Grade 4, 5



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The Gardener Activity Booklet

Specifically designed for Junior Girl Scouts and Frontier Girl leaders, The Gardener Activity Booklet serves as an essential teaching resource aimed at fostering a strong interest in gardening. This booklet is particularly beneficial for those undertaking the requirements of the Junior Gardener badge but can also be used effectively by home schooled children and public school teachers alike.

The core focus of this booklet is on teaching learners crucial gardening skills such as planting and caring for their own garden while also imparting garden design knowledge.

  • An exciting exploration activity that includes a scavenger hunt in a beautiful garden setting.
  • Two activities exploring six different types of gardens—each designed to inspire happiness.
  • A deep dive into real-world botany concepts like environmental suitability for plants and seed preparation.
  • 'Seed Observation' section emphasizing the importance of understanding how well-specific plants grow under varying sunlight exposure levels, soil conditions, and watering patterns..
  • A 'Grow And Care For Your Own Garden' segment which challenges learners to apply everything they have learned from previous sections by starting their own indoor or outdoor garden or both!

This PDF type ‘Gardening Activity Booklet’ stands out amongst distinct educator resources—a blend of arts & music-oriented undertakings—and positions itself as an invaluable aid for Grade 4-5 pupils, evolving a fundamental hobby into an understated platform for learning and growth. It can be used for whole group learning, small group interactivity, or as individual homework assignments.
Please note that 'Connecting Leaders' is not affiliated to the Girl Scouts of The USA or Frontier Girls.

What's Included

Activities Include:

Get out and explore a garden: Learn the right way to grow and care for a garden by exploring inspiring gardens and see first hand gardens in action. You will have a fun scavenger hunt to complete while exploring the garden. 

What is garden design?: Gardening is more than just putting flowers in the dirt. Explore more about what it takes to design a garden that will make people feel happy and inspired. You will do two different activities exploring 6 different types of gardens. 

Picking the perfect plant: Explore how plants grow, which plants will grow the best in your environment, and how much water and sun they need. You will create your own seeds to plant, play a few fun games to learn more about 4 different flowers you may want to try to plant yourself. 

What seed is the right seed: Knowing what plants will grow best in your environment is hard to determine by just reading a label. Soil, sunlight and water can effect how well a plant grows try a fun seed observation activity to learn more about seeds. 

Grow and Care for Your Own Garden: Taking everything we learned in the past 4 activities let’s plant our very own  garden and grow and care for it. Choose between an indoor or outdoor garden or just do both.

Resource Tags

gardening skills garden design plant types seed observation grow and care

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