Geometry: 2-D & 3-D Shapes - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC

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About This Product

Geometry: 2-D & 3-D Shapes - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC

This educational resource is designed for teachers seeking an in-depth understanding of Geometry, especially focusing on 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. FLASH-MAC can be seamlessly integrated into teaching routines and it's versatile enough to be used across various delivery methods including:

  • Whole group lessons
  • Small group activities
  • Assignments

The Resource Includes:

  • A set of engaging pre-assessment activities.
  • An insightful 'teach the skill' lesson plan.
  • Bonus—supplemental math tools for hands-on geometric learning!

The unique feature about this product is its dual language capacity, which provides both English and Spanish voice-over and text options—perfect for a diverse classroom.

Pedagogical Integrity:

This tool not only aligns with STEM initiatives but also perfectly matches with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Additionally, crafted alongside National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM) directives, it meets globally accepted academic standards.
Intended primarily for students from Grade 3 through Grade 5 dealing with geometry subtopics, this Flash Software on Mac platform simplifies complex geometry lessons into digestible parts.

Come experience simplicity at your fingertips while evolving your teaching strategies with Geometry: 2-D & amp; Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC!

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (Mac)

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