German: I have... Who has? - Fairy Tales
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German Fairy Tale "I Have, Who Has?" Review Game
Engage young German language learners with this interactive fairy tale vocabulary game. To play, cards with vocabulary words and definitions are distributed among students, who then work together to connect questions and answers by memory. The first student asks "Who has...?" searching for a matching vocabulary or definition card. The student with the answer declares "I have..." and repeats the process, linking the full chain from memory alone. This effective and engaging game supports classroom review and vocabulary recall with favorite storybook themes. It can be implemented one on one, in small groups, or with the whole class to encourage concentration, listening skills, and peer collaboration while immersed in the target language.
What's Included
1 PDF with 5 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
fairy tales
foreign language
language practice
German game
I have who has