Global Warming: Reduction - Digital Lesson Plan Gr. 5-8 - FLASH-PC

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About This Product

Global Warming: Reduction - Digital Lesson Plan Gr. 5-8 - FLASH-PC

This digital lesson plan presents a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to understanding the crucial topic of global warming. The program comprises a total of 80 screen-pages, ensuring an extensive exploration into the subject matter.

  • This resource could be used for whole classroom instruction or as part of small group activities.
  • Alternatively, educators may wish to assign sections for homework exercises, providing students with opportunities for individual study.

The digital lesson program opens with in-depth reading passages on global warming followed by engaging 'before you read' interactive activities that prime students' curiosity and increase their comprehension levels. The learning experience continues with 'after you read' tasks designed to consolidate new information.

Do your students enjoy challenges?

  1. This package includes further learning tools such as test preparation materials,
  2. Crossword puzzles and word searches all focused around preparing your learners for assessments while also reinforcing their knowledge about reducing human consumption and carbon outputs,
  3. Audiovisual resources are cleverly integrated throughout this digital plan making complex topics more digestible through video presentations and audio explanations.

New-Age Solutions:

The digital plan delves deeper into environmental solutions like:

  1. Increased energy efficiencies,
  2. Rrenewable resources usage, and
  3. Advancements in eco-friendly urban planning measures achieving "Green" building standards.

The study material aligns perfectly with State Standards across science curriculums specifically focusing on environmental science concepts – all written following Bloom's Taxonomy framework ensuring knowledge absorption happens at multiple cognitive levels.

One-Click Download Full of Resources:

With only one software (PC) file product contained within this package don't be fooled by its simplicity! Within that single download hides an arsenal of educational tools and content that your students will find valuable, intriguing and enjoyable all at once. This digital lesson plan truly breathes life into the important topic of global warming reduction for our younger learners.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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