I Can Do It! eBook

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About This Product

"I Can Do It!" eBook

This delightful teaching resource is designed to instill important life skills into young learners. The primary theme of this story revolves around the value of perseverance, enabling children from preschool to Grade 2 to understand the importance of sticking with challenges until they are overcome. Part of the effective and practical "Life Skills for Kids"® series, this tool plays a pivotal role in conveying fundamental social emotional skills.

The central narrative is elegantly complemented by wonderful illustrations that explicitly represent each life skill. Every scene has been expertly designed not only to visually attract young minds but also deliver significant lessons on managing difficulties, trying fresh things, learning from mistakes and seeking assistance whenever required.

Audio Addition

In order to improve auditory enhancement and potentially enhance listening comprehension skills amongst early readers or those working on developing these capabilities - we provide a thoughtful audio addition inside a zip file packaged with this eBook. The sounds effects within the audio accompaniment are authentic; lively background scores subtly lace every narration with sound effects thoroughly mixed thereby immersing students in a captivating multi-sensory learning experience.

Classroom Usage

  • This comprehensive resource can be adapted as per teaching requirements – whether it's classroom instruction in small groups or whole classrooms or homework assignments – enabling its seamless integration across diverse areas within your educational setup.
  • The combination of multipurpose usage and accessible language ensures "I Can Do It!" will add significantly value any educator's array of resources aimed at developing essential Life Skills at these critical formative stages.
Note: This product includes eBooks that support multiple file formats – thus offering uncompromised accessibility across different device platforms.

What's Included

1 zip file with book and audio

Resource Tags

perseverance life skills social emotional learning illustrations auditory enhancement

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