I Have Who Has Class Game for Multiplication Facts

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Grade 3, 4



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I Have Who Has is a class favorite. Use this set of thirty - two cards with the multiplication facts from 2 to 10. Pass a card out to each student. You may need to give some students 2 cards depending on your class size. Any student can start with their Who Has multiplication problem, such as Who Has 5 x 7.

The student with 35 at the top of their card will say I Have 35 and then read their Who Has problem. This will continue until the last card is read. If done correctly, every student's card will be used. Complete directions for the teacher are included. You can use this set over and over. Students get a different card each time and and there will be a different starting card each time. I always timed my students on completing the set and then challenged them to beat their time.

This is a great filler activity or a fun way to start the class. This skill corresponds to the 3rd grade math Common Core standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.C.7
Fluently multiply and divide within 100. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.


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multiplication facts I Have Who Has Class Game

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