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Initial Sounds Phonic Games

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About This Product

Here are 6 print, cut and play games to help teach initial phonic sounds.

All children need lots of practice hearing and identifying the letters that make the initial sounds in words as a foundation for future phonic learning. Games help to take the drudgery out of learning and all children like to play games and have the attention of an adult for a short time! This makes the learning fun and the child more likely to make progress - win win!

What is included in the pack?

There are 6 games:

A game to help children differentiate between b and d. Players collect items that begin with the sound on their board.

In the Box - a fun game where players collect a picture that begins with every letter of the alphabet. If they choose a picture for a sound they have already got, the card is put back in the box as the player says 'In the Box!'.

Vowel Games gives much-needed practice of the vowels - 5 letters which can seem very similar to many children as they are produced at the back of the throat.

Match It! A game that can be player don two levels. The first level involves just initial letters. The second level uses CVC words for which the child (if able) can be encouraged to sound out the CVC words, or just look at the initial sound.

Hide and Seek

Alphabet Matching Cards has a set of cards with a letter of the alphabet on each and set of picture cards - one for each letter of the alphabet.

All pictures are phonetically correct - no ice creams for /i/.

For Early Years and Early intervention/special needs.

For one-to-one with an adult or pairs of children supervised by an adult.

These games have been tried and tested on many children, and devised by a teacher with many years of helping pupils of all abilities to learn to read and spell with phonics.

What's Included

1 PDF with 6 games

Resource Tags

Games to learn initial sounds initial sounds games games ot help learn initial sounds

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