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Introduces the phonic sounds ar, or, ir, ur and er.

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About This Product

Introducing the Educational Resource: Phonic Sounds ar, or, ir, ur and er

This resource is designed to aid children in mastering the phonic sounds in an interactive manner. Its primary aim is to facilitate fluency development for readers at varying stages of their learning journey.

Efficacy and Applicability

The reading packs serve as efficient tools capable of boosting children's learning curve over a period of six months. They apply across various age groups from age 4 onwards; however, they prove particularly beneficial for older reluctant readers aged 7-9+, children with learning difficulties and those for whom English is a second language.

The Reading Packs Features:
  • An intriguing narrative featuring Sam - an enticing character whose adventures help develop learners' command over phonics sounds.
  • A hidden phonics sound hunt that cumulatively covers all 44 essential phonic sounds required to accurately pronounce approximately eighty percent of words used in English literature.
  • Captivating sketches alongside simple text designed keeping young readers' interests paramount
Educational Flexibility:

This useful resource offers flexibility regarding usability depending on individual learner’s level of progress - educators can use them either one-to-one or within small groups consisting of teacher-child or parent/guardian-child combinations. There isn't a rigid sequence allowing educators freedom regarding pack choice that best resonates with student’s specific sound building progression needs.


Completion objectives include enabling students transitioning smoothly onto independent reading stage able to comfortably navigate through books like Roald Dahl's 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and 'Fantastic Mr Fox'.

First-hand Testimony:

Teachers adopting this comprehensive teaching resource have witnessed tangible improvemnt in the confidence and reading abilities of students. The phonic sounds ar, or, ir, ur and er resource is therefore a captivating way to make learning enjoyable and effective for children.

What's Included

17 pages

Resource Tags

phonic sounds reading packs interactive learning literacy development reading comprehension

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