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Irony Digital Boom Cards- Distance Learning

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About This Product

Irony Digital Boom Cards

The Irony Digital Boom Cards are a dynamic distance learning tool, specifically crafted to assist students in mastering the three types of irony: situational, verbal, and dramatic. This resource can be seamlessly integrated into both physical and digital classrooms to bolster Language Arts instruction for grades 6 through 12.

Device Compatibility

The task cards utilize a digital format that's compatible with multiple devices, including computers and mobile gadgets like iPads, iPhones, Androids and Kindle Fires. This flexibility allows for the opportunity of engaging instruction whether in-person or remote.

Card Features

  • Total of 20 digital task cards that cover different types of irony extensively.
  • Each card offers instant feedback for students upon completion.
  • Rapid comprehension tracking due to immediate result display.
Mentioned benefits make this an excellent green alternative due to no need for any print material preparation!
Tailored Towards Teacher Convenience

This product also offers teachers robust reporting tools which allow for convenient monitoring of student progress over time. It works hand-in-hand with Fast Play pins to aid teachers in assigning tasks to individuals or groups within their classes easily.
These cards align well with small group instruction where learners can collaborate on responses while having peer support available if needed; however they are equally suited as homework assignments where independent practice can happen at home conveniently using any home device available.
Allow your students to grasp situational, verbal and dramatic irony without adding extra strain on your resources by opting for this effective tool specially tailored towards enhancing learning strategies in Language Arts- Irony Digital Boom Cards


What's Included

A total of 20 task cards.

Resource Tags

irony digital task cards distance learning language arts

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