It's Fall! Kindergarten Math & Literacy Center: CVC Words

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Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1



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About This Product

Fall has arrived, so add some fun to your classroom with these engaging math and literacy center worksheet sets! Designed to meet Common Core Standards for Kindergarten. May be used with Preschool students as well. On one worksheet, the student will fill in the missing letter and then color the pictures. On the other 5 worksheets, the student will trace each word and then cut out the picture and glue it above each word.



This is an ebook download in PDF format.



Keywords: kindergarten, tracing, reading, reading, vowels, letters, coloring, center, common core, math, autumn, fall

What's Included

9 pages in PDF format, with 6 worksheets

Resource Tags

reading autumn CVC vowels common core

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