Learn silent letters, prefixes & suffixes - Zoggy Plays Football

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Learn Silent Letters, Prefixes & Suffixes - Zoggy Plays Football

This is an effective teaching resource designed to guide young learners in mastering phonics. Crafted with educators in mind—primary school teachers and homeschoolers alike—this step-by-step teaching material turns phonics into a fun and accessible subject.

Our PDF file of 46 pages is a comprehensive package for learning complex topics like:

  • The phonic sounds igh, augh, ough, and long u;
  • The tricky rule of "i before e except after c;"and
  • Silent letters, prefixes, and suffixes.

Mission Spelling Zero Scheme:

Your child's education will be structured around our 'Mission Spelling Zero' scheme—it features seven levels corresponding with each colour of the rainbow. It consolidates progressive learning from kindergarten up to grade two.

Zoggy—the Learner’s Guide:

Your young learner will meet Zoggy—an engaging alien character known for his mastery over computers—who starts by introducing initial sounds through captivating stories then gradually expands their knowledge base by tackling double consonant blends. Potential Applications:
This educational material can be easily molded according to individual lesson plans, such as:
  • Aids whole group discussions focusing on specific sections;

  • Serves as a foundation for individual assignments that solidify knowledge or improve handwriting skills; and

  • Lets small study groups collectively work on word formations or unravel spelling patterns presented throughout the lessons.

Digital Download:
Our product requires zero additional setup—making it an easy-to-use, standalone teaching resource. Its versatility ensures it fits naturally into your existing lesson plans and emphasis on foundational reinforcement means aiding basic understanding in a manner that fosters future development.

What's Included

35 pages

Resource Tags

phonics silent letters prefixes suffixes spelling

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