Letter B Articulation Drill: Feed Hank the Boston Terrier - BOOM Cards

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About This Product

Feed Hank the Boston Terrier Letter B Articulation Drill Students will love practicing the /b/ speech sound by feeding treats to the adorable cartoon Boston Terrier named Hank. This engaging Boom Cards activity allows students to work on improving the /b/ phoneme articulation in a fun and motivating way. Teachers can use this resource in small groups or for individual student practice. It is designed for preschool through 5th grade students receiving speech therapy or working on articulation goals. Students will click and drag the dog bones toward Hank as they produce /b/ words, helping the hungry terrier get his treats while improving sound production skills. This interactive and screen-based activity makes speech practice enjoyable.

What's Included

1 PDF file with a link to Boom Card.

Resource Tags

Oral Communication Speech Therapy Boom Deck

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