Little Bear's Breakfast eBook

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Little Bear's Breakfast eBook

Educators, step into the delightful world of Little Bear with the “Little Bear’s Breakfast” eBook. This interactive resource is a charming story centred around a father bear, who finds himself challenged when he tries to make breakfast, while Mommy bear is in bed with the flu. To solve his predicament, Daddy bear decides to take Little Bear out for breakfast instead.

With playful music and genuine sound effects woven seamlessly into this captivating eBook, it promises an engaging auditory experience that heightens the enjoyment and learning process for preschoolers through grade two learners.

Though classified primarily under zoology within science subject area, this resource could serve as more than just a supplement for teaching about animals and habitat. Its contextual narrative can generate discussions around family roles building empathy and understanding among young learners or spark creativity in thinking outside-the-box when faced with obstacles – akin to Daddy bear's solution!

The downloadable product includes:

  • An electronic book format
  • Audio files

This makes it easy for teachers to use in various contexts - may be during whole class story-time sessions or small group reading circles using projection devices. Individual students can also use it independently on their personal devices during independent reading times or even as enjoyable homework assignments involving mime play based on narration heard.

The key advantage of 'Little Bear’s Breakfast' eBooK:
  • You can adapt it across different classroom situations suiting varied learning preferences like visual (colorful graphics), auditory (sound bytes), kinesthetic (mime-play opportunities)
  • Returns great results complementing traditional textbook lessons on zoology
  • Aids listening skills development and enhances comprehension abilities among young learners

Incorporate sincerity of relatable life experiences into your school or home-based curriculum adventures today with the Little Bear's Breakfast e-book – an educative joyride set amidst nature's furry friends!

What's Included

1 zip file with book and audio

Resource Tags

Animals Habitat Family roles Creativity Listening skills

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