Martin Luther King Jr Activity Book - EBOOK

An educational teaching resource from Knowledge Box Central entitled Martin Luther King Jr Activity Book - EBOOK downloadable at Teach Simple.
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The Martin Luther King Jr Activity Book - EBOOK

This enriching and engaging resource is designed for educators to use with students in the 2nd through the 8th grade. The heart of this EBook centers around honoring and understanding the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr., a key figure in American History and leader of the civil rights movement.

This downloadable PDF file comprises 31 pages packed with diverse learning activities aimed at keeping students engrossed while expanding their knowledge about this influential person. Activities include:

  • Notebooking pages
  • Copywork
  • Coloring pages that also entail writing tasks
  • Dictionary exercises
  • Word puzzles, a succinct biography plus a beneficial resources page.

Educators can utilize this well-organized EBOOK as an efficient teaching tool regardless of their specific teaching style or situation. They can introduce it during whole class instruction time for collective learning or assign sections for small group activities to foster collaborative skills among students. It could also be given as homework assignments to allow students individual study time or even used in one-on-one tutoring scenarios.

The activity book further encompasses keywords related to Martin Luther King Jr.'s life like:

  1. Coretta Scott King (his spouse)

  2. Montgomery (Alabama)

  3. Atlanta (Georgia), Washington D.C., Birmingham,

  4. Civil rights movement,

  5. li African-Americans, marches sit-ins protests Memphis Tennessee James Earl Ray assassination Morehouse College Boston University Southern Christian Leadership Conference notion of non-violence MLK's iconic 'I have a dream' speech among others.

Overall, this activity book ensures that educators can provide comprehensive, engaging lessons on Martin Luther King Jr's life, inspiring dreams and valiant struggles during holiday study sessions or while discussing critical figures who shaped US history.

What's Included

31 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

Martin Luther King Jr Civil rights movement American history Educational resource Engaging activities

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