Match Baby Farm Animals to their Mothers
About This Product
Spring is the time to learn the names of baby animals and to be able to match them to their mothers!
Here is a simple, fun, worksheet, to help.
When to use this farm animal babies worksheet:
in spring
after a visit to a farm
as part of science
as part of a cross-curricular project
Use as assessment. Can the child both match the baby animals with their mothers and name them all?
Which animals are included on the baby farm animals worksheet?
Lambs - sheep
Calf - cow
Foal - horse
Piglet - pig
Kid - goat
Which grades can I use it with?
Early Learning, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Suggestions for use:
Visit a farm. On return talk about the animals seen on the farm. Read books about them. Be sure to frequently name the animals and their young as you talk and share about the farm trip and the animals on the farm. Young children learn new words by hearing the new vocabulary used in context.
Then let the children see if they can match the baby farm animals to their parents.
Talk as the children work: '"What is a baby..... called" "Does it look like its mother?"
What's Included
1 worksheet