Measurement: Spinner Game for 3rd-5th - PC Software

About This Product
Measurement: Spinner Game for 3rd-5th - PC Software
This is an ideal teaching resource developed specifically for public school teachers and homeschoolers. This interactive tool helps educators reinforce critical measurement concepts in a fun, engaging game format that students will find enjoyable.
Built to cater to Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5 students, the software offers:
- Ten carefully chosen questions about measurements for thorough understanding of this part of mathematics.
- An engaging way to foster comprehension through gameplay encouraging active participation from students and academic growth.
Mode of Implementation
The game can be implemented in various teaching scenarios such as:
- Whole-group classroom interactions
- Small student cluster groups
- Independent assignments for home study purposes
Acknowledgement to standards
The standout aspect of this PC software is its alignment with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Also, it adheres firmly with STEM initiatives and the National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM) guidelines which adds immense educational value.
Packaging Details:
The whole package comes in a single Zip File which can be easily installed on your computer. In conclusion, Measurement: Spinner Game increases pupil engagement through unique lesson plan modifications while meeting standard educational guidelines; making teaching sessions more productive and interactive.What's Included
1 zip file with PC software