Multiplication 0-12 Task Cards & Power Point Slides | Math Detectives

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Do your grade 3 or grade 4 learners need a break from traditional math worksheets? Are you looking for a way to supplement workbook assignments? If so, this is the perfect product to add to your teaching toolbox. This set of task cards gives your 3rd graders and 4th graders 20 opportunities to strengthen their multiplication skills. Each card contains six clues that will lead learners to identify two factors to multiply. On their answer recording sheet, they will write and solve a multiplication equation using said factors. Not only will learners strengthen their skills in multiplication facts 0-12, but they will also review skills the following areas: odd and even numbers, greater than/less than, single-digit vs. double-digit numbers, months of the year, number of letters in the alphabet, addition, and subtraction. Fun facts about animals, the solar system, and baking are also included. These task cards are beneficial for not only your learners, but you as well. If printed on cardstock and laminated, you can use these cards year over year, saving you time and money. The versatility of the cards allows you to expand your educational environment to include indoor and outdoor areas. Use them in the school gymnasium or outdoor quad area. Back in the classroom they can be used in learning centers. Task cards work well for small group learning or a whole class activity. This particular product includes a set of 20 Power Point slides that mirror each task card. Simply display them for each learner to see and you have yourself a fun activity or quick quiz for assessment purposes. Each task card is available in both color and black & white. The two versions are identical. The answer recording sheet comes two to a page. An answer key is also included. Take a look at the details of the task cards below.


TASK CARDS #1-4: Learners will identify and solve equations 5x6, 0x8, 3x7, and 2x9.

TASK CARDS #5-8: Learners will identify and solve equations 11x1, 4x10, 8x8, and 12x3.

TASK CARDS #9-12: Learners will identify and solve equations 10x10, 9x4, 5x11, and 7x6.

TASK CARDS #13-16: Learners will identify and solve equations 2x12, 9x3, 7x4, and 6x8.

TASK CARDS #17-20: Learners will identify and solve equations 12x7, 8x5, 11x3, and 9x9.



POWER POINT SLIDES:20 slides with one task card per slide

Resource Tags

multiplication facts 0-12 grade 3 math grade 4 math task cards Power Point slides single-digit multiplication double-digit multiplication clues detectives

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