Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Decimals - Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - FLASH-MAC

FLASH-MAC is an all-in-one educational resource crafted for grade 3-5 educators and homeschooling parents. The focus point of this product is teaching kids about the theories of adding and subtracting decimals, a key part in number operations.

The uniqueness of this tool lies not only in instruction but also its integrated pre-assessment feature. This helps teachers gauge each pupil's initial understanding level before starting lessons, enabling a more customised learning experience. This mechanism aids in pinpointing strengths and learning gaps, making sure no student lags behind.

  • The comprehensive content meets both Common Core State Standards and STEM initiative specifications directly, without any compromises.
  • Beyond English language utility, it offers voice-over and text options in Spanish to ensure interactive math lessons that cater to diverse learners.

Included are indispensable math tools required for understanding complex decimal operations. These intuitive instruments support simplifying abstract concepts for younger learners delivering easily comprehensible content.

Crafted by seasoned educators, use Number & Operations: Decimals- Addition & Subtraction irrespective of your classroom size or type like whole group classes or small study groups. It can also serve as homework, providing students ample opportunity to practise at home too.

In summary,

No matter if you're navigating typical school classrooms or planning curriculums for homeschool setups; Number & Operation: Decimals – Addition & Subtraction emerges as an all-encompassing tool simplifying the teaching of complex decimal operations while remarkably accelerating student's comprehension levels.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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Software (Mac)

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