Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill - PC Software

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill PC Software

This advanced educational resource is aimed at developing a foundation in Math by focusing on adding and subtracting fractions, vital skills for Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 5 students.

Key Features:
  • A dedicated PC software serving as a potent teaching tool.
  • Incorporates pre-assessment activities in addition to a well-rounded lesson plan easing teachers' task of instructing fractions.
  • Inclusion of math tools to supplement teacher resources and promote interactive learning methodologies.

The software can be used flexibly within various teaching formats, from whole group lessons to small tutoring groups and even for homework assignments. The resource is versatile enough to enable effective learning beyond the normal classroom hours while eliminating the usual stress associated with understanding fraction operations!

  • Covers all major faction topics like addition and subtraction while also aligns perfectly with Common Core State Standards (CCSS), thus ensuring uniformity in learning across different regions!
  • Fulfils National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' (NCTM) principles further assuring top-notch quality throughout its components!

A unique highlight includes bilingual voice overs—with English and Spanish versions—along with respective text variants which cater explicitly to ELL learners whether they are schooled conventionally or pursuing home education. This provision broadens its accessibility making it all-inclusive! All of these assets come neatly packaged into one zip file—an offering that epitomises user convenience given today's educational scenario!

No matter if you’re a public school teacher looking to facilitate concept clearance among varied skill levels or homeschoolers seeking structured curriculum content—this advanced PC-based educational resource transforms conventional Math challenges into impactful Fractional breakthroughs! Foster a generation of confident mathematicians equipped with sound knowledge in fraction fundamentals— credits to the Number & Operations: Fractions - Addition & Subtraction - Pre-Assessment & Teach the Skill PC software!

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

fractions lesson plan operations pre-assessment digital math fractions printable

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