Order of Operations with Powers and Brackets Worksheet

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Grade 5, 6



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About This Product

This printable pdf is for 5th and 6th grade math. It consists of 12 task pages and 11 answer pages. Each task page has 16 tasks to practice order of operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, brackets and power. 

This worksheet is intended for students who have just recently learned powers. To keep their focus on the order of operations with powers and to take into account that they may not have yet been introduced with negative bases or powers of fractions, there are no negative numbers, except in subtractions. So this worksheet doesn’t require students to know the concept of negative numbers. 

Pages have titles: Easy (4 pages), Intermediate (4 pages) and Expert (4 pages). Easy pages have a lot of tasks with only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and only some powers in calculations with few terms. Intermediates have more brackets and exponents and have about 3 terms in them. Expert tasks have up to four terms and have all the operations mixed in different ways. 

There are answers to all the tasks with some intermediate steps. (11 pages) This helps students to check their work themselves afterwards, or students can work in small groups to check their answers with the help of the included answer pages. This helps the teacher to avoid unnecessary routine work and focus their attention where needed the most. 

Example use of this resource:

One or two pages given to every student, students pick their challenge level themselves

Teacher picks the right challenge level for every student

Teacher pics one page of every challenge level and gives them to the whole group and students can strengthen their basic operations skills

As an independent work packet for someone who is absent etc. 

Pages are decorated with cartoon style monster pictures. 

This resource is mainly for 5th and 6th grades, but can also be used with 7th grade as a warm-up or recap. 

Resource Tags

Order of Operations Basic operations Powers Exponents Brackets Parentheses No negative numbers

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