Revise ea. Read with phonic story 'Bad Cat'.

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About This Product

Learn To Read With Phonics Reading Packs

This teaching resource, that includes the phonic story 'Bad Cat', is designed to introduce consonant digraphs such as ch, sh, th and vowel digraphs like oo, ee. The tool promotes learning through engaging reading where students read sentences and match words to pictures.

All ages can benefit from this kit but it is particularly valuable for hesitant older readers of 7 or above such as children with learning difficulties and those for whom English is a second language.

The Comprehensive Course

The structure of this course incorporates 44 phonic sounds in an interesting way. Children search for hidden sounds throughout their reading which enables them to read nearly 80% of words in English by breaking them down into phonetic syllables - like 'pl- ay- ing'. Stories like 'The Bouncing Castle' and 'The Famous Cousin From The Country' supplement the phonetic approach providing reinforcement of complex middle sounds. By the end of this pack your students will be prepared for more advanced reading books.

Fun-filled Exercises Included!

  • Certain packs include cut out practice papers that assist with matching words/phrases with relevant images helping embedding sound words permanently.
  • You can use these packs independently or follow a proposed progression path - from basic three/four letter-word building sound packs then on to learning different series of phonic sounds according to certain given orders.
A Typical Lesson Includes:
  1. Instructing about the new phonetic sound,
  2. Reading sentences/stories repeatedly for familiarization with the new sound, and
  3. Matching phrases/words to corresponding images following each sentence/story.

The teaching resource is suitable for early learning through Grade 1. The product comes as a PDF file and includes worksheets that supplement your lessons.

Additional Benefits:

You'll gain access to additional reading materials from 'Learn To Read With Phonics’ making this kit a comprehensive solution for teaching reading skills in an engaging manner.

What's Included

4 pages

Resource Tags

phonics reading packs teaching kit consonant digraphs vowel digraphs

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