"Richard Arkwright – Industrialist" - A History Play

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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Richard Arkwright - Industrialist: A History Play

This valuable teaching resource is ideal for grades 9-12 social studies instructors focusing on U.S. history or homeschooling parents. Delivered as a succinct two-page Word document, it presents an in-depth look into the Industrial Revolution, with particular emphasis on the roles of Entrepreneurs and Inventors.

Learning by Engaging in Character-driven Play

The play portrays Richard Arkwright - renowned as the Father of the Factory System and gives an insight into characteristics typical for British Industrialists during this era.

Educators can infuse authenticity and excitement into their lessons through character-led narratives such as Margaret Arkwright’s dialogue scene from behind a slightly open door.

Post-Performance Learning Activities

  • A discussion to assess comprehension
  • A quick written exercise for learners to take note of whatever they remember about Richard Arkwright's narrative.
  • An opportunity to use the play in whole-group instruction or read aloud activity in small learning clusters depending on classroom dynamics.No need for individual scripts as you can retain narration control.
This history play offers several possibilities:
Distributed via platforms like tablets or computers, it adapts well within traditional classroom settings but is also conducive towards home-based learning environments.

Fostering Memorability & Engagement with Historical Facts through Interactive Learning:

"Richard Arkwright – Industrialist: A History Play,” hence brings lively engagement that helps learners grasp crucial points about inventions, entrepreneurs and labour factory system during industrial revolution. The approach actively involves each student's participation making studying history not only more engaging but also memorable while ensuring efficient acquisition of knowledge.

What's Included

2-page Word doc

Resource Tags

Industrial Revolution Richard Arkwright Entrepreneurs Factory System History Play

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