Sight Word Fluency Packet - most

An educational teaching resource from The Connett Connection entitled Sight Word Fluency Packet - most downloadable at Teach Simple.
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ELA, Reading


Grade 1, 2



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About This Product

Sight Word Fluency Packet - Most This reading fluency packet focuses on the high frequency word "most" to build sight word recognition and reading skills. The packet includes three activity pages: a passage with "most" repeated throughout to practice reading in context, a write and read fluency page where students write "most" within a passage then read aloud, and a read-write-draw page with sentences for reading, copying, and illustrating. The passages and activities allow students to connect meaning and usage of the sight word "most" through repeated, contextualized practice. As students read, write, spell, listen to, and speak the word "most," they gain reading fluency and spelling skills. Teachers can differentiate by assigning pages based on reading level. Use for literacy stations, shared reading, homework, sub plans, or reinforcement. Requires no prep other than printing. Fits reading standards for first and second grade.

What's Included

1 reading fluency page

1 write and read fluency page

1 read write and draw fluency page

Resource Tags

Sight Words Sight Word most most Sight Word Fluency Reading Fluency High Frequency Words Sight Word Worksheets

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