Skip counting by 5, 10 & 100 up to 1000 Worksheets + more

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About This Product

The resources have been created with a differentiated approach in mind, so that if needed, for example, pupils can begin by practicing skip counting with 5 up to 100 then at a suitable pace go all the way up to the Challenge Worksheets that mixes questions with skipping 5, 10 & 100 with sequences that start at any number and go all the way to 1000.

There are 17 Sets of Worksheets (and 17 Teaching Pages) covering this topic.


Worksheet Sets Sequence of numbers starts with a .... 
Worksheet 1. Skip Counting by 5s to 100 multiples of 5
Worksheet 2. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. multiples of 5
Worksheet 3. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 multiples of 5
Worksheet 4. Skip Counting by 5s to 100. random starting point
Worksheet 5. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 6. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 random starting point

Worksheet 7. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. multiples of 10
Worksheet 8. Skip Counting by 10s to 500 multiples of 10
Worksheet 9.. Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. multiples of 10
Worksheet 10. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. random starting point
Worksheet 11. Skip Counting by 10s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 12. Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. random starting point

Worksheet 13. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Worksheet 14. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 random starting point

Challenge 1. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Challenge 2. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000. random starting point
Challenge 3. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 random starting point and skipping randomised

How many worksheets are in each set ?

Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions.

Answers are automatically generated every time a new worksheet is created.

The Teaching Pages, designed for the Interactive Whiteboard for whole class learning  follow the same pattern as the Worksheets, and like the Worksheets the numbers can be randomised at the click of a button which means there are lots of examples you can play with. 


This resource works with the official  Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.



Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used.


Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.


Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100–900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100–900.

Resource Tags

math adding skip counting with 5 skip counting with 10 skip counting with 100 worksheets Jeff's Notebooks skip counting interactive whiteboard skip counting 10 worksheets skip counting by 10s worksheet skip counting on a number line worksheets skip counting by 5s worksheet

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