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Skydiving and Parachutes Reading Comprehension Article-Grade 8 and Up

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Basic Science


Grade 7, 8, 9, 10



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Skydiving and Parachutes. This resource is suitable for students in grades 8 and up.

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The sensation of free-falling through thousands of feet of open air is a dream for many thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. But safely leaping from an airplane and drifting back to earth is made possible by several key scientific principles. The fields of physics and aerodynamics have unlocked the secrets behind achieving lift, managing velocity, and engineering parachute canopies capable of keeping skydivers and BASE jumpers alive. This reading will explore essential concepts like aerodynamics, free-fall, terminal velocity, and the engineering behind modern parachutes.



The physics of air pressure and airflow are essential for understanding how skydivers can safely jump from extreme heights. The branch of science called aerodynamics studies the properties and interactions of moving air, especially how it generates lift and drag forces. Lift is the upward push created by air moving over a wing or canopy surface, while drag is the backward resistance a falling object experiences moving through the atmosphere.

Resource Tags

microscopes readings science reading microscope parts

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