Social Skills Tattling or Reporting
About This Product
Sometimes little ones have difficulty determining whether they are tattling or reporting!
Am I Tattling or Reporting? addresses the ever present habit of tattling.
I remember years ago when someone tattled, my co-teacher and I would turn toward the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.
The kiddos would stare and look shocked and of course we would address the idea of tattling at an immediate class meeting at the first occurrence.
So, what’s included in this packet:
1. A Sit Smart Chart( a Freebie I offer on my shop) and Poem/chant.
2. A “Tattling Teddy” Poem that can be placed with a Bear in a spot for “Tattling”.
3. 6 Apology letter frames for children to use to say they are sorry to a friend if they have hurt them in any way or however you might want to use these for Management purposes.
4. 2 Differentiated Tattling or Reporting sorts. One using picture and words, the other simply words.
5. An original poem called, “ Is that Something I should Tell or Say?
6. An anchor poster for Tattling or Reporting to give understanding.
7. 12 Cards to use to set up scenarios for children to determine if the
act is something they should tell or report to an adult or teacher.
8. 1 set of blank cards to write a few of your own or you could have
children write them and present them to the class for discussion at a class meeting.
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What's Included
1 PDF file.