Solar System: The Inner Planets - FLASH-PC

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About This Product

Solar System: The Inner Planets - FLASH-PC

An invaluable resource tailored to facilitate a deeper understanding of the inner planets in our awe-inspiring solar system. This high-quality teaching aid is targeted at fifth through eighth graders and it fits snugly within the expansive subject of science, focussing in particular on astronomy.

Key Features:

  • A strong amalgamation of varied learning elements such as printable material, vocabulary flash cards, and enlightening reading passages.
  • Helpful "before you read" and "after you read" questions that enhance comprehension and encourage detailed analysis.
  • Inclusion of up-to-date aspects like video content and interactive activities suitable for visual, auditory, or tactile learners. These can be utilized for large class instruction or smaller group discussions. They also serve homeschooling parents well when they need comprehensive lesson plans.

The Content:

The information presented is not simply interesting but painstakingly put together in consistency with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). With clever design guided by Bloom's Taxonomy; this ensures pedagogically effectiveness by aligning goals towards the application of knowledge opposed to mere rote-learning.


This stands out due to its availability in just one product file that serves as software which is mainly compatible with PC-based systems–thus making it trouble-free for educators constantly on-the-move.


No matter if you're a seasoned public school teacher seeking enriching science materials or a homeschooling parent looking for curriculums –the Solar System: The Inner Planets - FLASH-PC draws students into captivating concepts of astronomy in an educational and interactive manner.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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