Spanish: Fruit Domino Game | Vocabulary Practice Activity
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Spanish Fruit Domino Game - Vocabulary Building Resource
This educational resource helps students learn Spanish vocabulary for different types of fruit. The domino game format creates an engaging way for students to practice new words. Educators can print the domino cards on thick paper or laminate them for durability. Then they can use this game during small group instruction, as a center activity, or even for homework practice. With multiple ways to play, students will enjoy building their Spanish language skills with this vocabulary-focused game. The hands-on format suits different learning abilities while allowing students to reinforce new concepts in a fun, interactive manner. With just 10 domino cards per printable page, it's easy to prepare this game for fruit-themed Spanish language lessons.
What's Included
1 PDF with 4 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
domino game
Spanish domino game
Spanish vocabulary
fruits vocabulary
vocabulary practice
domino spanish
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