Spanish: Visiting Yosemite National Park eBook

An educational teaching resource from Paul Rallion entitled Spanish: Visiting Yosemite National Park eBook downloadable at Teach Simple.
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This is a Spanish: Visiting Yosemite National Park eBook.


Visitar los parques nacionales de Sequoia, Kings Canyon y Yosemite era sido algo que siempre había querido hacer. Sin embargo, cuando planifiqué este viaje, busqué una guía simple que me ayudara a preparar el viaje. La mayoría de guías mencionan innumerables sitios y puntos de interés para visitar. No pude encontrar una guía práctica que me dijera cómo planificar un viaje a estos parques. Vi muchos videos, hojeé y compré algunos libros, y hablé con algunas personas sobre qué hacer allí. Por eso, tuve que planear nuestro viaje a estos parques y lugares casi a partir de cero.


Escribí este libro para mostrar a los nuevos visitantes de estos parques y regiones, qué hacer para disfrutar de estos maravillosos lugares. Mi consejo sería pasar de un día y medio a dos días visitando Sequoia y Grant Grove Village (Kings Canyon), un día completo en Cedar Grove / Zumwalt Meadow Area (Kings Canyon) y de dos a tres días en el Parque Nacional Yosemite. Pensé que también era una buena idea planificar tiempo adicional para visitar otras atracciones en las principales ciudades del Centro de California: Mammoth Lakes, Mariposa y la costa del Pacífico: Carmel y Big Sur.


Visiting Sequoia, Kings Canyon and National Parks Yosemite was something I had always wanted to do. However, when planning this trip, I looked for a simple guide to help me prepare the trip. Most guides mention countless sites and points of interest to visit.

I couldn't find a how-to guide telling me how to plan a trip to these parks. I watched many videos, leafed through and bought some books, and talked to some people about what to do there. Therefore, I had to plan our trip to these parks and places almost from scratch.


I wrote this book to show new visitors to these parks and regions, what to do to enjoy these

wonderful places. My advice would be to spend a day and a half to two days visiting Sequoia and Grant Grove Village (Kings Canyon), a full day in Cedar Grove / Zumwalt Meadow Area (Kings Canyon) and two to three days in the Yosemite National Park. I thought it was a good idea to plan additional time to visit other attractions in the major cities in Central California: Mammoth Lakes, Mariposa and the Pacific coast: Carmel and Big Sur.

I hope you enjoy!


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What's Included

A 60 page printable PDF

Resource Tags

Spanish eBook Travel Guide Travel Book National Parks Landmarks Geography Yosemite National Park World Languages parque nacional

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