Thanksgiving Color Recognition

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About This Product

Thanksgiving Color Recognition

Thanksgiving Color Recognition is a valuable teaching tool created to enhance color understanding and recognition in young learners. This interactive and dynamic resource is particularly suitable for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 classrooms.

An Array of Colors

The product includes 18 sheets aimed at helping children recognize the names of colors. Alongside familiar colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and pink, the collection also covers under-represented hues like purple, brown, and black. Recognizing these colors on sight broadens students' visual learning experience from an early age.

Versatile Application

This color recognition kit isn't just for Thanksgiving! Teachers can use it in diverse teaching scenarios---be it group interactions or subgroup activities. Even as part of homework or additional tasks to fortify their at-home learning experience.

  • Circle different colors with pencils or highlighters as per instruction given by teacher.
  • The product comes in a high-quality PDF format perfect for large screen displays during class instructions or printed out as physical coloring papers. The file may take extra time to load due to its rich content.


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In essence ,"Thanksgiving Color Recognition"- is an unbeatable resource when it comes to effectively instilling knowledge about basic colors among preschoolers till first graders while keeping them engaged with playful holiday-themed design elements!

What's Included

About this product

This product contains 18 sheets for color names recognition.

The colors are as follow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple, brown, and black.

PLEASE BE AWARE: Because this product is a big file due to the amount of slides, it will take a couple of seconds to load each slide. Please do not be alarm of blank pages and give it a few seconds to load.

Resource Tags

Thanksgiving Color recognition Preschool Kindergarten Interactive

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