Trade + Economic Activity Reading Packet
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About This Product
The Trade + Economic Activity Reading Packet is an engaging social studies resource for 4th grade students to build their knowledge of economics. This printable packet contains an informative passage about trade and economic activity that students will read closely. Also included are vocabulary terms related to economics that students will apply as they read. To assess comprehension, graphic organizers and multiple choice questions allow students to demonstrate their learning. Teachers can implement this versatile resource in various ways - as part of a whole group lesson, center work, partner work, or as a homework assignment. The reading passage, vocabulary terms, graphic organizers, and question sets have answer keys included for teacher reference. This reading packet is an excellent no-prep solution to help 4th graders actively build literacy skills while learning key economics concepts.
What's Included
1 PDF with 7 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
reading passage
graphic organizers
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