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US History Regents Short Essay "1930s: Party is Over" + Video Lessons

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History: USA


Grade 11

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US History Regents Short Essay "1930s: The Party is Over" + Video Lessons

This product is a short essay task in the format of the new New York State Regents examination in US History and Government. It’s great to do one of these each unit, so I have organized them by

time period.

For additional resources in US and Global history, please visit my store here!

The economic growth of the 1920s turned out to be a shocking fraud revealed by the crash in 1929. The upheaval of this period radically changed the role of the federal government in the United States.

Document set 1: describe the historical context; identify and explain the relationship between the events and/or ideas found in those documents (Cause/Effect or Similarity/Difference or Turning Point).

Document set 2: describe the historical context;  analyze the reliability of one source. [Read more about teaching this at the Innovation blog]

If you are concerned about assigning your students this as a test because they are not likely to do well at first and don’t want to bother their GPA, I recommend using standardized scoring. You can use the z-score calculator here at Innovation Assessments. Use 78 as your standard mean and 14.8 as your standardized standard deviation. Read more about standardized scoring here and where I got those figures. The beauty of this system is you can apply this to their grades every month and as the class improves, as the class average approaches the standardized mean (78 in this case), then the algorithm affects their scores less and less.

Product includes:

  • Set 1, 2 documents

  • Set 2, 2 documents

  • Scoring rubric

  • Passcode to video lessons students can use to prepare the task.


Wave of Buying Sweeps Over Market as Stocks Swing Upward Radio Flashes High; General Motors and Steels Soar

Herbert Hoover, Campaign Address, Newark, New Jersey

Photo: More Oklahomans reach Calif. via the cotton fields of Ariz. ; "We got blowed out in Oklahoma." Share-croppers family near Bakersfield, Apr. 7, 1935

Political cartoon: Do We Want A Ventriloquist Act In The Supreme Court?

Passcode Lessons:

  • 11.7 Topic Pre-Test

  • 11.7 vocabulary, 

  • The 1920s part 1,

  • 1920s part 2,

  • 1920s part 3,

  • pt 1 The Great Depression,

  • pt 2 The Great Depression,

  • pt 3 The Great Depression,

  • Totalitarianism and Depressions,

  • 11.7 MC test,

About Innovation Passcodes

Passcodes let your students access selected lessons in my own virtual classroom at No registration is required. Use the codes at

Resource Tags

new york state regents us history and government short essay 1930s video lessons

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