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Addition Games For Kindergarten

Introduce your kindergarten students to addition with games that are both engaging and age-appropriate. This collection includes counting activities, number matching, and simple problem-solving games. By integrating these addition games into your teaching, you can build a strong mathematical foundation.

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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

This download includes 1 cut and paste to depict the 5 steps in the growth of the tadpole.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Frogs, Tadpoles, Cut And Paste, Life Cycle, Science, Frog Life Cycle Kindergarten, Tadpole To Frog Life Cycle, Tadpole Cycle

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
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A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

3 FREE PAGES OF ADDITIONS THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS We are an educational corporation that is dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for mathematics, literacy, as well as resources for teaching Spanish and brain exercises. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document has been designed mostly in color so that it is highly attractive to students. 11. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This document is available for free, so take advantage of the opportunity to download it now. 12. Does it have an answer key attached? No, it does not contain an answer key attached. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

1.Introduction Math class should be one of the most fun classes for you and your students, especially if they are children. That is why it is important for you as a teacher to use educational resources and games . 2.Objective -To help students learn in a didactic way the topic of addition up to 10. -To make students have a fun time in math class. - To consolidate the topic of addition from 1 to 10. 3.Order, scheme and stages - Ask the children questions about the numbers 1 to 10, and from which number sums can come the numbers 1 to 10. - You can also use videos about addition. 4.Grades or ages This game is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old. That is, it can be used from Kindergarten to 2nd grade. - To learn in a fun way the sums from 1 to 10. -For children to enjoy mathematics. 5.Application format Teachers who use this resource are asked to print it and then see if they want to apply the game individually or in groups. I suggest using it in groups. First print, then cut out the bananas, then using glue, glue the bananas on the corresponding answer sheet. Finally, the evaluation can be done by the teacher or in groups, exchanging the work from one group to the other, that is, doing a co-evaluation. 6.Answer keys This game does not require answers. The teacher can do a quick review of the answers. 7.Use labels in the text Addition to 10, first sums, easy sums, sums from 1 to 10. 8.How to use them and variations Variation depends on the creativity of the teacher. 9.Standards They are listed in the options above. 10.File types The file is in PDF format. 11.Number of pages This document contains 14 pages.


Tags Addition Up To 10, Addition To 10, First Addition

Summer Addition Bump Game

Summer Addition Bump Game
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Games, Activities

A Summer-themed worksheet for addition and can also be used as a bump game. Roll two dice, add and cover or color the result. Or play a BUMP game with a friend.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Summer, Addition, Bump Game, Math

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Addition Bingo Game - EBOOK
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Addition Bingo Game - EBOOK
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Addition Bingo Game - EBOOK This engaging educational resource bridges the gap between learning and fun for early learners. Combining the classic game of Bingo with basic addition facts, this tool has been designed to enhance mathematical skills in preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first graders. This ebook offers a unique way to enliven classroom math sessions or homeschooling routines by adding a thrilling twist to learning addition. This 24-page PDF is designed for both group games and small-group learning circles. Main Features: Easily adaptable according to your needs. Includes detailed game instructions along with carefully designed templates that can be printed as needed. An ideal feature for people wanting a fresh collection regularly without extra cost. Beyond being just an enjoyable classroom activity, it’s versatility allows you incorporate this game into various teaching methods. Use it in study groups where students learn collaboratively or assign it as homework so children can practice their addition skills while engaging their families out-of-school hours. "A dynamic approach than repetitive arithmetic drills." The biggest advantage of the Addition Bingo Game over traditional teaching resources is its playfulness embedded functionality. The activity encourages young learners not only to memorize but also understand basic addition facts during gameplay—a more dynamic approach than repetitive arithmetic drills. The Addition Bingo Game - EBOOK offers teachers something distinct for their math lessons: A simple yet effective tool that transforms everyday mathematics into an exhilarating experience for young minds! Want more? Games are also available on subjects such as vocabulary development and grammar skills which might serve as beneficial enrichments too your comprehensive lesson plans.

Author Knowledge Box Central

Tags Addition, Bingo Game, Educational Resource, Math Activity

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others. VERSION 5



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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Basic Math PIctorial Manipulatives BUNDLE

Basic Math PIctorial Manipulatives BUNDLE
Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Numbers, Place Value, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games, Worksheets

Basic Math Pictorial Manipulatives BUNDLE . The Basic Math Pictorial Manipulatives BUNDLE is a fun, engaging, practical and creative teaching resource for educators catering to preschool students, kindergarteners, and those in grades 1 and 2 . This bundle of pdf files provide learners with a hands - on approach to grasping fundamental math concepts . Features : Addition Pairs to 10 | Shark Mats: Designed for teachers, these mats depict basic addition operations visually with a focus on number pairs that sum up to ten . They can be transformed into digital screen slides for classroom or distance learning application . Number Quantity Math Cubes | 1 - 10 : This component aims to reinforce the correlation between numbers and quantities . With ten different colors across one hundred pages, this section also acts as an excellent visualization tool for small numbers word problem solving or task card creation assignments . Counting Ones and Tens | Math Vocabulary Worksheets : Focussing on counting skills along with essential mathematical terminologies knowledge like 'more,' 'less,' ‘divide,’ amongst others is covered here through activity - based worksheets playfully associated say like math mouths ready to devour ones & tens . Applicability : This instructional resource comprising of three informative PDF books over 214 pages can be used in various educational settings such as whole groups, small groups, individual home practice sessions along with structured homeschooling environments or special education needs ( SEN ) . In Conclusion, The Basic Math Pictorial Manipulative BUNDLE has ample potential to redefine how young learners perceive fundamental mathematical concepts given its diverse teaching strategies relevance . 3 PDF books with pictorial math basic materials . 214 pages total . If you are further interested in finding more resources like this, that are immediately available to dowload and use, then check out my store by clicking HERE .


Tags Math Manipulatives, Visual Learning, Basic Math Concepts, Counting, Math Cubes, Group Work, Pictorial, Manipulatives, Centers, Words Aside

I HAVE, WHO HAS? | Addition Game of Tables 1 to 12
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I HAVE, WHO HAS? | Addition Game of Tables 1 to 12
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! We are a publisher dedicated to the development of material resources for primary education for the areas of Spanish, language, literacy, as well as mathematics and brain games . On this occasion we bring you the following: "WHO HAS, I HAVE" GAME! - Topic to discuss: The sums from 1 to 12 - ANIMALS Theme TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS PRODUCT COMPLETELY FREE THAT WILL HELP YOUR CHILDREN PRACTICE ADDITION IN A DIDACTIC AND FUN WAY! 1. BASIC PRODUCT INFORMATION: Now through the following points, I will offer you information about this product: A. The name of this educational resource is: The title of this product is "WHO HAS | I HAVE" games / games -by-subject/math- games /addition-and-subtraction- games /addition- games ">addition game . B. This document contains this number of pages: This educational product contains 12 fabulous pages ready to be used in your classroom. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. We are a publisher dedicated to creating fabulous educational resources for children. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this at home if you want to enhance the addition exercise, for which you must have at least 2 people to play it. In the other case, if you are a primary school teacher, you can apply this in groups of 2 children who are learning addition. E. Is this document in black and white or color? Document available in colors, so that it quickly attracts children's attention. F. For what ages is this document recommended? This game is recommended for children ages 5 to 7 who are learning addition. 2. OTHER PRODUCTS THAT MAY INTEREST YOU: We recommend that you take a look around the store and see some of our available products, such as:


Tags Addition, Addition 1 To 12, Addition Game, Addition Worksheets

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Puzzle, Puzzles, Games, Free Resource

Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Puzzle, Puzzles, Free Resource, Addition

Addition & Subtraction Basic Facts Games Lapbook  / Interactive Notebook - EBOOK

Addition & Subtraction Basic Facts Games Lapbook / Interactive Notebook - EBOOK
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Trying to memorize the addition and subtraction facts? Why not add some fun activities that will make the process less taxing? Play Math Bingo, Subtraction Action and more! Utilizing the games in this lapbook will help your students improve retention of those basic addition and subtraction skills. Play the games over and over in many different ways, and soon you will see that your students’ abilities have greatly improved. You may choose to create these games and place them into folders as a Lapbook, or you may glue them into an Interactive Notebook. This file is in PDF format. Just follow instructions, cut, fold, glue, and create! Keywords: Addition, Subtraction, Math Facts, Math Lapbook, Math Games , Memorize, numbers

Author Knowledge Box Central

Tags Printable

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Puzzle, Puzzles, Free Resource

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Valentine's Bump Game

Valentine's Bump Game
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Games, Activities

Valentine's Bump Game: A Delightful Teaching Resource The "Valentine's Bump Game" is a specialized resource crafted to facilitate the understanding of addition. It is appropriate for Early Learning, Kindergarten, and first-grade students, making learning an enjoyable journey. Focused on Enriching Mathematical Skills The game incorporates two dice that students roll and then proceed based on the combined result- reinforcing their knowledge of addition. Versatility is a key feature of this tool as it can be applied in various ways like a traditional bump game, or visually via instructions such as 'roll and color' or 'roll-cover'. Multifaceted Application & Learning Opportunities It allows teachers to gauge individual student understanding of specific mathematical concepts—ideal for whole group learning sessions or smaller academically homogeneous clusters. To include practical maths applications into homework assignments components like 'roll and color'' & 'roll-cover' can be adapted effortlessly—making it an ideal bridging tool between home environments & institutional settings . User-Friendly Compact Design This teaching resource comes in a PDF file format consisting of one printable page. More than saving space, this design ensures access to quality content irrespective of restrictions usually associated with physical resources—an eco-conscious approach without compromising academic quality! In essence, The Valentine's Bump Game provides invaluable tools which enhance textbook information with fun-filled practical experiences that enrich knowledge acquisition.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Addition Practice, Math Game, Tactile Learning, Manipulative, Home Assignments

Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE ARENAS EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES STORE! We are a store that specializes in producing a variety of materials for primary school children in the areas of mathematics, language, and literacy, as well as Spanish and brain exercise worksheets. GAME "I HAVE WHO HAS" ADDITION THEMED DESCRIPCION OF THIS PRODUCT: TODAY I BRING YOU THIS FABULOUS GAME OF "I HAVE, WHO HAS?" This game will allow children and/or students to play in a fun way in a group and exercise their vocabulary. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this resource is "Game WHO HAS, I HAVE" B. This document contains this number of pages This document is made up of 5 pages, on each page you will find 2 cards, which means that in the end you will have 10 cards. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Pedagogical product prepared by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply this document or educational game at home if you are a mother or father or at school if you are a teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This educational resource has been prepared in colors so that it is much more attractive for your children. F. For what ages is this document recommended? Recommended for children of all ages and/or groups of students of all ages. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it at any time in your class. Include it as a dynamic or game, H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? This game should be applied as a group in groups of 2 to 3 children. I. Keywords that describe the product: games , games for children, dynamics, dynamics for children, who has I have, flashcards , puzzles, printables for children. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR PREFERRING MY PRODUCTS, I INVITE YOU TO VISIT MY STORE BECAUSE I HAVE A VARIETY OF PRODUCTS COMPLETELY FREE AND AT YOUR DISPOSAL. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others. VERSION 2



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. SECONDARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Activities, Games

THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELCOME TO MY STORE OF FABULOUS MATHEMATICS RESOURCES FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION CHILDREN On this occasion we bring you this fantastic puzzle with 24 addition tiles from the tables 1 to 12, so that your children can practice this fabulous operation in a fun and educational way! BRIEF INTRODUCTION: SO DON'T WAIT ANYMORE BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT IS COMPLETELY FREE AND FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD IT NOW AND START USING IT NOW IN YOUR CLASSROOM. ALSO, PLEASE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION that will help you know what this product is about and so you can make a decision to be able to download it and use it in your home or classroom. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? As is known, there are multiple reports from psychologists and even psychopedagogues who affirm that using teaching materials in the classroom is one of the best ways in which children will be able to learn, so do not hesitate and use this fabulous resource for your mathematics class now. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this resource is "Addition Mastery" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? Addition from 1 to 12. 4. For what ages is it recommended? For children from 7 to 12 years old. 5. Who is the author of this document? Editorial ARENAS EDUCATIVAS is the author. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? Apply it in your mathematics class. 7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. 8. What size and format is this resource in? PDF document, A4 size. 9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it? Yes, scissors. 10. Is it in color or black and white? Made in colors. 11. Is this resource free or do I have to pay to use it? It's free so take advantage of downloading it now. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



Free Download

Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Thank you very much for being part of this community of educational resources. WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL COMPANY DEDICATED TO THE PREPARATION OF FABULOUS RESOURCES FOR THE AREA OF MATHEMATICS, ON THIS OCCASION WE BRING YOU THIS FANTASTIC RESOURCE WITH WHICH YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY AND LEARN IN A DIDACTIC WAY ABOUT ADDITION Dominoes are one of the most popular games worldwide so do not hesitate to download this fabulous game. NAME OF THE GAME: Mastery of addition using addition exercises from 1 to 12. DOWNLOAD IT NOW, BECAUSE IT IS A COMPLETELY FREE RESOURCE. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCT: Please read the information on this product carefully so you know what it is about. A. The name of this educational resource is The title of this product is "24 addition tables dominoes" B. This document contains this number of pages This educational document is made up of 6 pages, on each page you will find 4 tiles so in the end you will have 24 domino tiles at your disposal. C. This educational resource has been prepared by: Prepared and designed by EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS, we are an educational corporation dedicated to the design of fabulous resources for primary education in different areas. D. You can apply this educational document in different contexts such as: You can apply it at home if you are a parent and want your children to reinforce addition, you can also apply it in your class if you are a mathematics teacher. E. Is this document in black and white or color? This document is prepared in color so that it is much more attractive for your students. F. For what ages is this document recommended? It is recommended to apply this document in children from 7 to 12 years old who are learning and practicing addition. G. At what point in class can I apply it? You can apply it during the development of your class as a game. H. Should I apply it individually or in groups? Preferable in groups of 2 to 3 children. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.