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Place Value Games

Help your students understand place value concepts with games that simplify complex ideas. This collection includes base-ten block activities, number expansion games, and interactive exercises. By integrating these place value games into your teaching, you can strengthen essential math skills.

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Apps & Social Media Vocabulary - Flash Cards, Word List + Quiz, Games and MORE!
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Apps & Social Media Vocabulary - Flash Cards, Word List + Quiz, Games and MORE!
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

This resource is a comprehensive lesson that uses 20 app-related vocabulary words. First off, you can introduce these words by using the PDF -based presentation. With the arrow keys, you just move from one word to another to make your students familiar with them. Next, You can hand out the vocabulary lists. Beware that these are made with color, so in order to be eco-friendly you might want to use black and white ink. Once the students have taken these lists home, they can do the vocabulary test in their next class. They can practice with the words by utilizing the included flash cards. These just need to be printed, laminated, and cut. Beware of sharp edges though. You can use the curved edges version to avoid annoying pinches. Finally, use the Wacky Words activity to have a really good time in class. With this, all the letters are mixed up. Students love this.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Apps, Social Media, Vocabulary, Flash Cards, Digital Activities

FREE DOMINO GAME | Emojis Themed
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FREE DOMINO GAME | Emojis Themed
, Not Grade Specific, Games, Activities

Hello and welcome to the EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS resource store. I tell you that most of my resources are presented for free because our purpose is to help teachers and/or children who want to learn in a didactic way. That's why we make these products in the most attractive way possible, so take advantage of the fact that most of these resources are free to download them now. Please read the following information carefully so that you know what this document is about: 2. Title of the pedagogical resource: The title of this resource is "12 dominoes" 3. Topic to work on: This game will help you develop children's intelligence, as well as other cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and visualization. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: You can apply this game in multiple areas of knowledge. 5. Number of pages contained: This document is made up of 3 pages, on each page you will find 4 dominoes, which means that in the end you have 12 dominoes. 6. Is it available in color or white/black? This educational document is available in color to make it much more attractive for your children. 7. What version is it available in? This educational document is available in PDF version, A4 size. 8. Editable/Not Editable: This educational resource is not editable. 9. Age at which it can be applied: You can apply this educational document to children from 4 to 8 years old or in general to any age who is interested in playing dominoes. 10. Tags or keywords that describe the content: domino, domino game, game for children, brain games . 11. Ways to print: Print this document, then cut out each of the pieces, also, if possible, laminate them to make them more resistant. 12. Forms of application in class: Apply this document in groups of children of approximately 2 to 3. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Domino Puzzle, Free Resources

Free Download

Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

HELLO THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING HERE! Learning numbers has never before been as fun as using this fabulous little book to learn to count from 1 to 10, with a bee theme. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK: Print this book in color and laminate it. Also, cut out each of the bee figures that you see, then ask your students to fill in the boxes with each of the bee drawings according to the proposed quantity, be it 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ,9,10. Ready, you will have a bee-themed notebook of numbers. KEYWORDS OF THIS PRODUCT: Number books, numbers, learn to count, counting exercises, numbers from 1 to 10, numbers, number exercises. -DESCRIPTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT: Now through the following questions we are going to provide information about this product so that you are encouraged to download it. 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? Didactic number books are valuable tools for children to learn mathematics better, and they also bring other benefits such as: - Reduces mathematical anxiety and stress. - They help children better understand mathematical concepts. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this product is "Counting numbers from 1 to 10 thanks to the bee theme" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? The numbers from 1 to 10. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Recommended for children from 3 to 7 years old who are learning their first numbers. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this document is the publishing house ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. COME UP NOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS COMPLETELY FREE DOCUMENT. ALSO REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE ON MATHEMATICS, LANGUAGE, SPANISH, AND BRAIN EXERCISES THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD. CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES: 40 DIVISION CARDS: 40 MULTIPLICATION CARDS: 40 ADDITION CARDS: 40 SUBTRACTION CARDS:


Tags Numbers, Numbers 1 To 10, Numbers Counting, Numbers Book, Counting Numbers 1 To 10

Basic Math PIctorial Manipulatives BUNDLE

Basic Math PIctorial Manipulatives BUNDLE
Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Numbers, Place Value, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games, Worksheets

Basic Math Pictorial Manipulatives BUNDLE . The Basic Math Pictorial Manipulatives BUNDLE is a fun, engaging, practical and creative teaching resource for educators catering to preschool students, kindergarteners, and those in grades 1 and 2 . This bundle of pdf files provide learners with a hands - on approach to grasping fundamental math concepts . Features : Addition Pairs to 10 | Shark Mats: Designed for teachers, these mats depict basic addition operations visually with a focus on number pairs that sum up to ten . They can be transformed into digital screen slides for classroom or distance learning application . Number Quantity Math Cubes | 1 - 10 : This component aims to reinforce the correlation between numbers and quantities . With ten different colors across one hundred pages, this section also acts as an excellent visualization tool for small numbers word problem solving or task card creation assignments . Counting Ones and Tens | Math Vocabulary Worksheets : Focussing on counting skills along with essential mathematical terminologies knowledge like 'more,' 'less,' ‘divide,’ amongst others is covered here through activity - based worksheets playfully associated say like math mouths ready to devour ones & tens . Applicability : This instructional resource comprising of three informative PDF books over 214 pages can be used in various educational settings such as whole groups, small groups, individual home practice sessions along with structured homeschooling environments or special education needs ( SEN ) . In Conclusion, The Basic Math Pictorial Manipulative BUNDLE has ample potential to redefine how young learners perceive fundamental mathematical concepts given its diverse teaching strategies relevance . 3 PDF books with pictorial math basic materials . 214 pages total . If you are further interested in finding more resources like this, that are immediately available to dowload and use, then check out my store by clicking HERE .


Tags Math Manipulatives, Visual Learning, Basic Math Concepts, Counting, Math Cubes, Group Work, Pictorial, Manipulatives, Centers, Words Aside

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison BUNDLE

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison BUNDLE
Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Numbers, Place Value, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison BUNDLE . This is a comprehensive and resourceful teaching aid designed to instill foundational math skills in kindergarten and grade 1 students . It is an essential tool for educators in varied environments, including public schools and homeschooling . Package Contents : The BUNDLE consists of five PDF files featuring 120 pages of vibrant, picture - based materials . Covered concepts include quantity counting, estimations, and comparisons . The resources emphasize visual representation of quantities for easier understanding . Inclusive are pages where equal or unequal amounts are arranged either linearly or randomly . Certain sheets feature objects appearing up to 20 times for learners to cut out, point, count and paste - reinforcing manual learning techniques . All materials come both as colored illustrations as well as blackline versions catered to different printing preferences or learner needs . The resource can be used either as larger A4 size work mats / screen view slides or smaller task cards / flash cards - proving effective during group instruction sessions or individualized tutoring . The range of visuals from apples & worms to elephants & coconuts provides fun reinforcement while maintaining student’s interest in counting skills . Furthermore these sustainable resources can be laminated post - printing thus ensuring their longevity while enhancing tactile engagement among young learners . In addition to basic numeracy, the Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison BUNDLE, lays the groundwork for number comprehension & place value ! It provides teachers with reliable support while forming the strong numeric foundations crucial at this important educational stage . 5 pdf files . 120 color and b & w pages with mats / screens / task cards / flash cards to work on counting, estimation and comparison basic math skills .


Tags Math Skills, Counting, Estimation, Comparison, Hands-on Learning, Pictorial Math, Math Manipulatives, Centers, Screen, Words Aside

5 Minute Games Bundle: Super Simple No-Prep Games for Elementary Students (ELA & Math)

5 Minute Games Bundle: Super Simple No-Prep Games for Elementary Students (ELA & Math)
ELA, Math, Early Math, Place Value, Grammar, Language Development, Vocabulary, Spelling, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Activities, Games

Here are four quick no-prep games for any elementary classroom. They address topics including math, spelling, syllables, rhyme, vocabulary, parts of speech, geography, & critical and creative thinking. Each of the 4 games has its own page of instructions including the skills taught, different player configurations, rules, a sample round, and extension ideas. These games require NO PREP and NO MATERIALS other than writing implements. I suggest whiteboards to save paper. Grades to Use With: These games can be used in any elementary classroom (grades K-8). They are great for the following uses: - Morning/home-room warm-up - TOC back-up activities - To fill the 5 minutes before lunch or the end of the day - As a reward for small-group or one-to-one tutoring The four games are: - 4 Letter Word Game : Start with a 4-letter word on the paper/whiteboard. Players/teams take turns changing one letter at a time to make a new English word. Play until you are stuck or time runs out. - Guess My Number Game : Start with a range based on your students (ex: 1-20 for K, 1-100 for Gr 1-4, 1-200 for Gr 5-7). The teacher (or student if playing in pairs) thinks of a number in that range. The other student (or whole class) has exactly 5 questions of greater than or less than to narrow it down. After 5 questions, they must guess the number. - The Rhyme Game : Start with a word that has many rhymes. (For example: tent, rant, king, see, you.) Do NOT choose duck for obvious reasons. Each student (or each team) has two minutes to make a list of as many rhyming words as they can. Points are counted based on syllables. The longer the word, the more points. After two minutes, tally the scores to find the winner. - Categories: Start by writing 5 categories from the following options on the board: animals, cities, verbs, fruits, toys, pet names, countries, adjectives, beverages, colours, holidays, vehicles, movies, kitchen tools, flowers, books. Then choose one letter of the alphabet. Students get two minutes to think of a word for each category staring with that letter.

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Games, Vocabulary, Fun Stuff, Spelling, Math, Fast Game, Quick Game, Scattergories, TOC, Substitute

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison 3

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison 3
Special Resources, Math, Early Math, Numbers, Place Value, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games

Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison 3 This illustrated 24-page math resource enhances teaching fundamental early math skills to Kindergarten and First Grade students. Using familiar objects, it focuses on building quantity counting, estimating, and comparing capabilities through engaging visualization exercises. Students connect objects arranged in equal or unequal rows while teachers appreciate the flexibility to utilize materials across whole class, small groups, or individual settings. Formats include colorful work mats, screen view slides, and laminate-ready four-to-a-page flash cards doubling as task cards. Overall, the practical numeracy activities promote concentration, visual discrimination, and comprehension fundamentals. Thus, Basic Math Skills | Counting Estimation Comparison 3 unlocks young learners' math potential through its fun, multi-format presentations.


Tags Basic Math, Pictorial Math, Math Manipulatives, Task Cards, Mats, Activities, Sreen, Slides, Numeracy, Words Aside

5 Minute Game: Guess My Number

5 Minute Game: Guess My Number
Math, Early Math, Place Value, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Activities, Games

Here is a quick no-prep game for any elementary classroom: Guess My Number! It helps teach place value, fractions, greater than/less than, logic and working memory skills. This product includes a one-page instruction sheet including the skills taught, different player configurations, rules, a sample round, and extension ideas. This game requires NO PREP and NO MATERIALS at all. Grades to Use With: This game can be used in any elementary classroom (grades K-8). It is great for the following uses: · - Morning/home-room warm-up · - TOC back-up activity · - To fill the 5 minutes before lunch or the end of the day · - As a reward for small-group or one-to-one tutoring Guess My Number Rules: Start with a range based on your students (ex: 1-20 for K, 1-100 for Gr 1-4, 1-200 for Gr 5-7). The teacher (or student if playing in pairs) thinks of a number in that range. The other student (or whole class) has exactly 5 questions of greater than or less than to narrow it down. After 5 questions, they must guess the number. Sample Round: T: I’m thinking of a number between 1-100. S1: Is it greater than 50? T: Yes. S2: Is it greater than 75? T: No. S3: Is it less than 60? T: No. S4: Is it less than 70? T: Yes. S5: Is it greater than 65? T: No This class has narrowed it down to between 60-65. Now they guess. (The number was 62.) If you like this 5-minute game , check out the other ones in my store: Categories The Rhyme Game The 4-Letter Word Game I also have lots of intermediate math games too: Math Matching Games; 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards Perimeter of Complex Shapes: Math Strategy Game Credit Score Boardgame

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Place Value, Math Game, Fun, Greater Than, Less Than, TOC, Tutoring, Quick Game, Fast Game, No Prep,